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5 Amazing Things About Becoming a Mom No One Tells You
If you’re expecting your first little one, congratulations!
You have probably already been congratulated many times. But I’m willing to bet you have also already heard numerous “warnings” from friends, family and the lady in the checkout line at the grocery store.
It can become downright discouraging to a mama-to-be who is already battling the uncertainties that are inherent in preparing for the unknown world of parenthood.

People who have had children (and sometimes even those who haven’t!) seem to feel the need to alert first-time pregnant mamas to all of the struggles, obstacles and challenges they are about to face as a new mother.
The Words of Warning
The comments you have heard might sound something like these:
- “Sleep while you can, because you won’t be getting any once that baby arrives!”
- “Aw, babies are so precious. And then they grow up and start talking back and slamming doors in your face.”
- “Newborns poop so much; you’ll be doing laundry three times a day.”
- “Life isn’t going to be the same once that baby comes. You won’t be able to just go see a movie for a date night.”
- “You’ll be so ready to hand the baby off to your husband as soon as he walks through the door in the evenings.”
- “Your body will never be the same after having a baby.”
While all of these statements may be true, they carry a note of negativity that tends to dampen a mama’s excitement over the joyous life of her baby.

What a sad thing to have your new-mama-joy damaged before your baby is even born.
Yes, it is important to educate yourself and realize that life is going to change with a baby in the picture. But don’t let those well-meaning comments fill you with dread.
I found it depressing how many negative things people had to say about motherhood while I was pregnant (and even following my miscarriage with my first baby).
And you know what? My life is not the dismal, bleak existence I half-expected based on the remarks I received.
My Words of Encouragement
Life as a mama is so amazing, and I want to encourage you to be unashamedly excited about what may just be the most incredible thing you will experience in this life.
Here are 5 wonderful things about being a mom to help remind you why you are so excited about your new life ahead.
1. You Will Experience Love Beyond Comprehension
The love a mother has for her child cannot be explained in any way that does it justice. It is the most incredible feeling to have a child to love. And it is unbelievably powerful.
It is a love that makes you stronger, because you are willing to do whatever is necessary to protect your child’s well-being, no matter the cost to yourself.
And the cherry on top is that there will be moments when your child tangibly reciprocates that love. Like when she wraps her little arms around your neck to give you a hug, when she gives you kisses, and when she is able to say the words, “I love you, Mommy.”

I cannot possibly describe how wonderful a mama’s love is. You will feel it every day for the rest of your life beginning the day your baby is born.
2. Your Days Will be Filled with Laughter
Babies and children are adorable, imaginative and silly. They are constantly doing and saying things that make us laugh.
And trust me, when it’s your own child, you will feel so much more joy watching his antics than you would with someone else’s child because you have an emotional connection to him unlike any other.
Yes, motherhood involves challenges and difficult days when it’s hard to have a good attitude; yet, I don’t think I have gone a single day without multiple smiles and at least one laugh since my daughter was born.
Because even on the hard days, that mama love interprets a simple baby smile or toddler giggle as the most precious of gifts.
3. You Will Never Not be Needed Again
We all need to be needed in some form or another. If no one seems to need us, we tend to lose our feeling of significance. Being needed provides us with a sense of pride and fulfillment.
And it is the sweetest thing to be needed by the most fragile of human beings for survival, comfort and happiness.
Every need your baby has will be primarily met by you in the early days. But even as your little one grows into a toddler and beyond, you will still be needed in a variety of ways (some toddlers can be very needy – read about my clingy toddler here).

I am married with my own child and I still need my mom! I need her advice, I need her comfort, and I just need her company.
I cannot tell you how much happiness it brings me to know that my child will always need me, even if I were never needed by another person for as long as I live
4. Your Sense of Purpose Will be Stronger than Ever
Having a child will change you in a lot of ways. You will start to make decisions about your life differently because you know that what you do no longer affects only you.
You will discover that you are no longer fueled by just a sense of obligation to behave a certain way or make certain decisions. Instead, you will be motivated by a desire to mold your child into the best, healthiest, most successful version of herself.
You will be full of the greatest purpose a person can have: Living for the benefit of someone else’s life.
And you will quickly realize you have the most fulfilling job in the world, because your job is not to self-satisfy; it is to better another person.
5. You Will be Able to Connect with More People
Whether you are a social butterfly, a hermit or something in between, motherhood will open up a whole new world of socialization for you.
Your sense of belonging will escalate in settings where other parents are present. You will feel connected to the woman sitting beside you in the waiting room simply because she also has a child.
Conversations flow easier among moms because there is always so much to talk about in motherhood, both with friends and strangers.

You will find that the grandma you pass in the produce section, the dad wrangling his son in the toy aisle and the mom nursing her baby in the restroom all relate to your life and you to theirs.
It is a secret world you don’t know exists until you become a parent. Then, all of a sudden, it’s as though you have joined a club and your child is your ticket to enter (just beware of and avoid the mama competition that is so prevalent).
It’s a great feeling to be understood by and be able to understand so many people, even people you don’t know.
What You Need to Remember
The fact is, Mama-to-be, there’s no way for a woman to understand what motherhood is like until she has a child, no matter how much reading she does ahead of time.
But just remember this: As a mama, I can guarantee you that for every depressing fact you will hear about motherhood, there is something exciting you will experience as a mother that often goes unspoken or is overshadowed.
Don’t get discouraged by the things people say. Be excited about becoming a first-time mom and let everyone know you’re excited!
And while you are researching what it’s like to be mom, be sure to read my post on Common Questions New Mamas Ask so you can be prepared for the new world of parenthood.
You may also want to read 10 Things You Can Easily Do Postpartum for some ideas to keep you busy during those first few months as you spend the majority of your day holding your baby on the couch.
What negative things have you heard about motherhood while expecting? Let me know in the comments!

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