Results of Natural Cavity Treatment in Kids

If you have been following my childhood tooth decay journey with my daughter, you know the potentially amazing results of natural cavity treatment in kids. But I have a new encouraging update on my daughter’s teeth that further substantiates how effective natural treatments can be.

My almost-6 year-old daughter had a dentist appointment last week. It was roughly her 12th time in a dental office. But something set this visit apart from all the others. Despite the fact that it was just a routine cleaning, I left that visit with my sweet girl feeling like a four-year burden had been removed from my shoulders.

Results of Natural Cavity Treatment in Kids

For the first time ever, my daughter left her dental appointment with a report card that said her teeth are doing “super” and that no cavities were detected. This is big news in our family! And it is something none of her traditional dentists would have ever told us was possible to accomplish with natural treatments.

Please note that I am not a dental professional and nothing in this post should be construed as professional dental advice. I strongly encourage all of my readers to seek dental advice and care for their children’s oral health from a qualified dentist.

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Scroll down for a 10% off discount code on the PurO3 ozone oil that helped protect my daughter’s teeth from further decay!

Proving the Dentist Wrong

Even though we stopped the decay in its tracks when we first discovered it at age two, even though her teeth remained stable for 2 1/2 years until she got the fillings and crowns that had been recommended as a toddler, and even though we have tried an assortment of natural treatments that I knew were helping … still her traditional, non-holistic dentist implied at her last two dental cleanings that she would be needing more work done on her two front top teeth.

Read about alternatives when the dentist mentions kids dental crowns here.

But now the dentist is saying the demineralization on the front of those two teeth has not progressed from her previous visits (I could have told him it has actually improved over the past 4 1/2 years) and they will be falling out sometime this year anyway. So no further intervention is necessary.

Mama Rissa's daughter's dental report card

I would like to emphasize that this is pretty much the exact same prognosis we were told at the holistic dentist a year and a half ago when she had fillings put on the backs of these teeth. The holistic dentist did not believe these particular teeth needed crowns as long as the cavities that were on the backs of them did not wrap around the sides. By contrast, the traditional dentist had wanted to crown them both at that time.

All along, the traditional dentist has been pushing for more work than the holistic dentist. And now they are unknowingly admitting that the holistic dentist was right the whole time. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions about that.

The Imperfect Process of My Natural Treatment

Mama, I want you to know that, despite this positive dental report, we have not done this natural treatment thing perfectly. I want to encourage you with what I have personally seen to be the results of natural cavity treatment in kids. And I also want you to understand that I have gone through this as a real-life mom just like you. I haven’t always done everything I “should.”

We started off hard-core with the candida diet, reducing phytic acid, ozone gas treatments at the biodentist every three months, propolis supplementation, tooth health vitamins, rinsing with water after eating, brushing three times a days and using remineralizing toothpaste.

However, over the course of time and through life changes and additional health concerns, our strategy has changed and evolved. From a strict no-carb and no-sugar diet to limiting carbs and sugars to three times a day to completely failing to regulate carbs and sugars at all. From ozone gas treatments to ozone oil use at home to no ozone use for a year. From brushing for her three times a day to letting her brush by herself twice a day to me brushing for her again at least one of those two times a day.

Find healthy candy options for kids with tooth decay here.

From using propolis, tooth health vitamins and xylitol regularly to using propolis, probiotics, prebiotics and a multivitamin to using only a probiotic and a prebiotic to experimenting with homeopathic remedies. From trying to unsuccessfully floss for her some nights to having her use flossers on her own every night. From restricting fruit juice to allowing it semi-frequently to restricting it again.

Chalky White decay GONE 4 1/2 years later

At times I felt like I was doing really well staying on top of my daughter’s oral health. And at other times, I felt like I was completely failing. And still other times, I was somewhere in between. But ultimately, despite my intermittent lack of attention to her tooth health, my daughter’s teeth have healed!

My Proposed Reason for Success

I am going to give this to you bluntly: I don’t have nearly all the answers to what causes tooth decay or what heals it. Based on the conversations going around in the Facebook support group I started for parents of young children with tooth decay, there are theories that childhood tooth decay could potentially be the result of thyroid issues or lack of sunlight in addition to the known causes of bacterial imbalances, congenitally weak teeth, acid reflux and vitamin deficiencies.

I believe there are a number of potential causes of childhood tooth decay which put certain children at higher risk than others. And I do not think every child who has tooth decay has the same cause. Consequently, the results of natural cavity treatment in kids are going to be different depending on the type of treatments used relative to the reasons for the decay. The key is to do your best to find the reason for your child’s decay in order to have success treating it by natural means. Sometimes that can only be accomplished through a process of elimination.

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I believe the primary reason for my daughter’s tooth decay was her confirmed candida overgrowth. We first discovered this overgrowth when the biodentist looked at her plaque under a microscope. And we confirmed that she still had a significant candida overgrowth when we did a stool test a year and a half ago.

We repeated this stool test a few weeks ago and the results showed that she no longer has a candida overgrowth (you can find the amazing, comprehensive stool test we used both times here). Perhaps because I refocused my healing strategy after Covid to target her gut rather than her teeth. I do believe this significant change in her candida levels could be why her teeth have remained stable even though I have not been able to maintain a strict oral health routine over the past year while caring for my cardiac baby.

Read about how I prepared for my baby’s open heart surgery here.

I also firmly believe that the remineralizing hydroxyapatite toothpaste I have been using for brushing her teeth for the past 4 1/2 years is largely responsible for her improved overall tooth health. I can certainly tell a huge difference in plaque build up and the sensitivity of my own teeth when I’m using Happy toothpaste compared to Pronamel.

Happy toothpaste

What You Can Do for Your Child

Mama, I know this can be an emotionally draining topic and the mom-guilt is trying to take you down. But let this post be a springboard to propel you forward. Here’s what you can do next to start seeing your own results of natural cavity treatment in kids:

And lastly, if you have any questions, you can always email me. I love connecting with my readers! You can do this, Mama. You are not alone.

2 responses to “Results of Natural Cavity Treatment in Kids”

  1. Sophie Angel Avatar
    Sophie Angel

    Thank you so much for this post and for detailing your journey. I have just started mine and very glad I found you in a sea of nothingness and standard dental practices! I’m not sure if you have heard of living libations? I am currently reading Nadine Artemis’ book on oral health and it’s super helpful. Also hearing a lot about Dr Weston A Price regarding indigenous cultures and natural diet. Would love your thoughts and feedback if you have!
    Thanks again for all the info. I am in the Facebook group and will post updates about our journey, which we are just begining!
    Sending happy, healing energy!
    Sophie xx

    1. Marissa Khosh Avatar


      I am so glad you found me too! Especially the Facebook support group. It is growing every day and there are new bits of information and possibilities coming from parents around the world. I am learning so much myself from the experiences of other parents in the group.

      I had not heard of Living Libations before, but I have been looking into it just now since reading your comment. It looks like it may be a great resource for natural oral health products. Thank you for telling me about this. I will be looking into it some more. I am also considering purchasing the book as it also sounds like a really good source of natural tooth health info.

      As for Westin A. Price, I have heard of him and did look into his theories and the diet at the beginning of our journey. I touched briefly on it in one of my early childhood tooth decay posts (you can read it here if you want to know more about how our journey began). We never really followed his diet, but I did use some of his ideas in my daughter’s tooth health journey. I was more focused on eliminating the candida overgrowth, so I initially put her on the candida diet rather than the Westin A. Price diet. But I did add in some supplemental vitamins that correlate with the vitamins Westin A. Price advocated for incorporating into our diets naturally. But I have read stories of other people having tooth health success by following his diet that is rich in critical vitamins we are lacking in our typical modern diets.

      I look forward to reading your updates in the group!

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