Who would ever think a woman would miss having her monthly visit from Aunt Flo? But when you are experiencing PMS symptoms while breastfeeding without the justification of a period, those hormones can be extra frustrating!
I know there are mamas like me out there who are trying to figure out what the heck is going on with their lactating, hormonal bodies. So I’m sharing my experience along with what I have discovered about having these “phantom periods” while breastfeeding.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, Mama (and check the bottom of this post to find my favorite for hormone balancing), and let’s have a girl-chat.
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Please note that I am not a medical professional and nothing in this post should be construed as medical advice. If you are concerned about your symptoms or suspect you may be pregnant, it is best to consult your doctor.
My Recent Bout of PMS Symptoms While Breastfeeding
“I feel like I’m about to start my period,” I told my husband one evening last week as I laid curled up on our couch.
I had been having uncomfortable cramping for over a week when the extreme fatigue hit me along with mood swings and headaches.
I was actually really hopeful (though doubtful) that I was about to have my first period since my daughter was born (read the story of her lengthy, beautiful birth here). Unfortunately, nothing happened. The symptoms died down after a few rough days and my hormones are still in recovery.
This is not the first time I have had odd PMS-like symptoms that seem unusual for a lactating woman who has not resumed her cycle. I had a similar, less extreme, version of these PMS symptoms about nine months ago.
Let me tell you, nothing will send a woman on an emergency Wal-Mart run to buy a cart full of pregnancy tests like PMS symptoms without any bleeding.
Learn how to take a pregnancy test without all the stress here!
This strange situation has always puzzled me. But it wasn’t until last week’s hormonal rollercoaster ride that I got really frustrated with how confused my body seems to be.
So the onset of my no-show Aunt Flo prompted me to Google “PMS symptoms while breastfeeding.” Sadly, I did not find a medical explanation for this strange occurrence.
However, I did find some reassurance that my body is not some unearthly anomaly worthy of scientific study.
My Research on PMS Symptoms While Breastfeeding
The only information I found on this topic was on Breastfeeding Problems. Their website briefly states, “[Breastfeeding] moms may have premenstrual symptoms without any bleeding; this may be an indication that your period will be returning soon.”
This did not largely broaden my understanding of why I was having PMS symptoms while breastfeeding, but at least it validated my experience.
Discover 5 Breastfeeding Myths that Will Shock You in this post.
Much more helpful were the numerous moms I found posting questions on forums about having PMS symptoms while breastfeeding without having a period.
I found great comfort in knowing I am not crazy, nor am I the only breastfeeding mama experiencing this. But I also discovered through their various experiences that there are several ways in which these “phantom periods” can manifest themselves.
Some women reported having regular, bleeding periods every other month and having all the PMS symptoms without any bleeding on the off months.
Several women experienced PMS symptoms for two months before finally having their first period show up.
And yet other women said they had a regular monthly “cycle” without ever bleeding while breastfeeding.
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From all the women I have read about who have dealt with PMS symptoms while breastfeeding, I have gathered that the more intense PMS often (though perhaps not always) seems to be a result of the body trying to resume its cycle – which may take weeks or months.
This makes sense to me, because I began feeling the cramps on a day when my daughter went longer than usual without nursing. The cramps continued and more symptoms appeared over the course of a couple of weeks until it finally died down.
My body probably gave up trying to resume its cycle when it realized my daughter had gone back to her usual nursing schedule.
What an Expert Says About PMS Symptoms While Breastfeeding
In order to get more perspective on this confusing issue, I asked the lactation consultant from my birthing hospital what she thought of me having PMS symptoms while breastfeeding without having a period.
She responded similarly to what I learned from other moms’ experiences. Although she didn’t have a definitive answer for me, her best guess was that my body is “gearing up” to resume its cycle.
But I don’t really expect to see the return of my dear Aunt Flo for a while. Although my lactation consultant said it is rare for a woman not to get her period back within a year of giving birth, my reflux baby (toddler) still nurses frequently around the clock.
Find out what ecological breastfeeding is and why moms do it in this post.
You may already know this, but the way your body knows it is “safe” to return to fertility is when your baby doesn’t need as much milk (AKA, energy) from you.
This is why some women resume their cycle when they supplement with formula, begin offering solids, or their baby is old enough to get most of his calories from solid food.
Find out how to start solids the easy way in this post!
Because my daughter doesn’t seem to have ever really slowed down on her intake or reduced her number of nursing sessions, my body probably figures I still have a hungry little mouth to feed who is sucking (literally) too much energy from my body for it to be able to sustain nourishing a new baby.
This is not the case for every woman, of course. Some breastfeeding women have their first period only weeks after giving birth. The fact is, we are all unique mamas with unique bodies that know what they can handle.
How to Endure PMS Symptoms While Breastfeeding
I’m not going to lie. It can be incredibly frustrating to feel like you’re on your period (or pregnant) only to wait endlessly for the bleeding to start … and never have it happen.
My typical reaction to the hormone hurricane of PMS symptoms while breastfeeding is less than admirable. I always end up feeling like I am being sucked into the cyclonic floodwaters of exhausting emotions.
My words of comfort to help you through your “phantom period” are to be gentle with yourself, Mama. You are not the only woman going through this invisible hormonal headache.
Even though the urge to cry over the spoon you dropped on the floor may feel completely unjustified, I’m telling you to go ahead and cry, girlfriend. And then lay down with a hot pad and a piece of guilt-free chocolate.
Also, this stress-relief relief herbal tea is amazing! It contains an adaptogen calfed ashwagandha which has been shown in studies to reduce stress, improve sleep and even decrease appetite. I really love this tea for taking the edge off on the rough days.
Read more about an adaptogen that can majorly shift your hormones for the better here.
You may not have the visual assurance of a period, but your hormones speak for themselves. Your body needs some rest, some patience, and a ten-foot radius from all men who value their lives.
Don’t forget to share this post to encourage your fellow hormonal breastfeeding mamas!
Edit: Find out what happened with my hormones while day-weaning my daughter in this post and what my hormones looked like eight months after weaning in this post. Also read about what it’s like when you’re trying to conceive while breastfeeding here.
Update 5/22/2024: Read about my second round of PMS while nursing my second baby in this post!
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