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Samantha’s Miscarriage Story
This story of miscarriage comes from Samantha Baca who is a mom-blogger and is married with two beautiful girls born 15 months apart. She has a full-time job but works from home part time to care for her daughters. She strongly values communication and has utilized her skills in this area to build her blog,…
4 Pregnancy Mistakes I Regret Making
Every mama has some pregnancy mistakes she regrets making when she was expecting her first child. This is inevitable because there is no way to do everything perfect when you are experiencing everything for the first time. But doing your online homework and listening to stories from other moms can help you make better-informed decisions…
Infant Reflux: Real Causes and Real Solutions (Part 2)
If you have a child struggling with infant reflux, you are not alone. Along with many other mamas out there, I have been on the reflux journey for 17 months now. I understand what it’s like to have a baby or toddler who needs you constantly. I understand what it’s like to be unable to…
My Top 3 Infant Reflux Soothing Techniques
If you are a reflux-baby-mama, you and I already have a very strong connection. You and I both understand the difficulty, frustration, heartbreak and confusion involved in having a baby with infant reflux. If we were to sit down for a chat over a cup of tea, we could easily relate to each other’s experiences…
Head Injuries in Young Children: When is it Serious?
If your child just bumped his head and you’re anxiously searching “when to worry about head injuries in young children,” you have come to the right place. I, likewise, had a concerning head-bumping experience with my child last week. She fell off of a chair and hit her head on our kitchen tile floor. She…
5 Amazing Things About Becoming a Mom No One Tells You
If you’re expecting your first little one, congratulations! You have probably already been congratulated many times. But I’m willing to bet you have also already heard numerous “warnings” from friends, family and the lady in the checkout line at the grocery store. It can become downright discouraging to a mama-to-be who is already battling the…
Mama Moments: Life with a Clingy Toddler
If you have a clingy child, you know that it is no simple task to set him down, leave him with a sitter or get housework done without him on your hip. Some might say we are spoiling our kids. Others might say we are torturing ourselves beyond what is necessary. But what we are…
Trying to Conceive After Miscarriage
If you have lost a baby (or several) to miscarriage, I am so sorry. It is a difficult journey to walk, and sometimes you just want to fast-forward your life so you can be past this pain already. Especially when you are trying to conceive after miscarriage. Many women ache to fill their empty womb…
4 Things You Didn’t Know You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
Once you find out you’re pregnant, you will likely hear and read about how you should no longer indulge in hot tubs, sushi and laying on your back. But there are some other, less talked about, things that could negatively impact your pregnancy as well. Here are 4 things you may not have realized you…
Common Questions New Mamas Ask
You can read every mom blog and baby book out there during your pregnancy. But you will still have uncertainties and questions once you are actually holding that new little person in your arms. You are sure to end up asking yourself some of the common questions new mamas ask. Of course, it’s wise to…
Why the Mama Competition Needs to End
People are competitive. Women are competitive. Moms are competitive. Why do we compete? Because as humans, we feel the need to prove our worth – to ourselves if not the world. And the only way to feel good enough, it seems, is to be better than someone else. So what happens when a mama takes…
What Every Mama Needs to Know About Young Children and Choking
My 15-month-old daughter had an almost-choking episode during lunch the other day. And when I say “almost,” I do not mean she gagged. I mean she was looking at me with a blank expression on her face for about 2 seconds with her mouth open, unable to make any sound. Almost-choking is unfortunately a fairly…
Prenatal Ultrasounds: Are They Really Safe?
Most mamas-to-be have a hard time saying no to any extra prenatal ultrasounds a doctor or midwife offers them. There is nothing quite as special as catching a glimpse of that tiny little baby who has not yet seen the world. Turning down another exciting opportunity to see your child in utero would be like…
Mastitis Symptoms and Treatments
I just recovered from a bout of mastitis, so I figured it’s a perfect time to address this unpleasant topic – while the pain is still fresh in my mind. And mastitis symptoms can be quite painful, let me tell you! Mastitis effects about 10% of nursing moms at some point during their breastfeeding careers.…
Infant Reflux: Real Causes and Real Solutions
I’m on a mission – one I should have been on a long time ago. I am searching for the underlying cause of my daughter’s infant reflux. Just saying that sounds overwhelming to me, which is why I have not done as much as I should have to figure it out sooner. I kept telling…
10 Things You Can Easily Do Postpartum
In the weeks and months following the birth of your little bundle of joy, you will likely find yourself sitting around just holding (and possibly nursing) your baby a lot. So you are probably looking for some things you can easily do postpartum right about now. This is a beautiful time of bonding for mama…
How to Prepare for a Natural Birth
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was overwhelmed by how much there was to figure out in order to plan a natural birth. But now, I’ve had two successful natural hospital births! And I’ve got the #1 most important tip on how to prepare for a natural birth. Plus, how I built…
Motherhood: A 24/7 Career for Life
This is a fictional story based on a compilation of true events. It is meant to be an entertaining glimpse into a typical day for a woman climbing the corporate ladder of motherhood … One baby step at a time. Motherhood: A 24/7 Career for Life It’s already been a long morning at work. My…
How to Care for a Toddler’s Teeth
Are you wondering how to care for your toddler’s teeth? This is the very question I have been asking myself lately. My daughter is almost 15 months old and I currently let her brush her own teeth or brush for her with a wet baby toothbrush – no toothpaste – in the morning and evening.…
How to Stop Eating Your Way Through Motherhood
I will admit, I struggle with self-control when it comes to food. I always have. Thanks to my husband, my diet in motherhood and my food behavior has radically changed from what it used to be, and I possess far more self-control around food than I used to. Just the same, when we were expecting…