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Motherhood: A Career in Block Building
This anecdotal post is inspired by my daughter’s current obsession with block building. It is an activity which frequently keeps her entertained for extensive periods of time, often drawing me in to the fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned a lot from playing with my daughter in this game that brings such delight…
Katie’s Postpartum PTSD Story
This story of postpartum Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) comes from my fellow mom-blogger Katie who is the creator of – a website offering gift ideas for a variety of occasions and different types of people. I know there are a lot of mamas out there who suffer from PTSD. I am fortunate that…
15 Signs Your Toddler Still Has Infant Acid Reflux
So you have finally made it to toddlerhood with your little reflux baby. You are hopeful (although possibly doubtful) that she will soon outgrow the uncomfortable condition she has struggled with her whole life. But you’re wondering how you will know if your toddler still has infant acid reflux. I wondered this very thing soon…
Defining a Mother: 7 Women Share What Makes Them a Mom
Defining a mother cannot be done in one simple sentence. Defining a mother cannot be accomplished with a photograph of a woman doing laundry, cooking dinner and pushing a vacuum cleaner all at the same time with a baby on her hip and a toddler clinging to her leg. Defining a mother is not possible…
8 Ways to Prepare for Pregnancy
When I reminisce about the time when I conceived my first baby, I am shocked by how little I did to prepare for pregnancy. Considering what a Google-aholic I am now when it comes to everything pregnancy, babies and toddlers, I can hardly believe I didn’t think to do anything to get ready for my…
How to Bathe a Newborn
Many first-time pregnant mamas will probably do a Google search or ask another mama how to bathe a newborn. Who knew such a simple task as bathing another human could feel so frightening and complicated? I remember how nervous I was during pregnancy about many aspects of taking care of a newborn, bathing being one…
Why Children Need to Move So Much
I recently took my daughter to a trampoline park, knowing it would be a thrill for my little hoppy frog. But, amazingly, she seems to enjoy hopping on solid ground almost as much as jumping on a trampoline. It got me to thinking … why do children need to move so much and why do…
Weaning From Breastfeeding: An Emotional (and Physical) Journey
Today I am greiving the beginning of a loss. Today I am starting the journey so many moms have gone on before me. Today I am confused by the mixture of sorrow and excitement swirling my emotions. Today I am beginning a very gradual process of weaning from breastfeeding. If you are also weaning from…
How to Get Your Husband Excited About Having a Baby Girl
So you just found out you are having a baby girl. Congratulations, Mama! Whether you were hoping for a girl or not, you likely can easily picture all the things you will get to do with and teach your daughter. Your husband, on the other hand, is behaving as though you just discovered you will…
My Infant Reflux Journey
I have been thinking for a long time that I need to write this story. It is the story of my infant reflux journey with my daughter. I have been dreading writing it for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it’s not a pleasant topic. Although I overall have beautiful memories of my daughter’s…
Ecological Breastfeeding: What it is and Why Some Mamas are Doing it
Every mama has a method for breastfeeding her baby. Some mamas nurse and pump. Some mamas exclusively pump. Some mamas exclusively nurse. Some mamas breastfeed on a schedule. Some mamas do ecological breastfeeding. That last method is the focus of this post – not because I believe it is the only right way to breastfeed,…
Potty Training Your Toddler: How to Prepare
Each new step in your child’s development is exciting, because it means she is growing and blossoming into the person she will ultimately become. Potty training might not be glamorous, but it’s still an exciting milestone to reach with your toddler. Since my recent journey into potty training my daughter, I have learned a few…
5 Ways Pregnancy Changes Your Body for the Better
I know what you’re thinking as you begin perusing this post. Is that title accurate? Did she mean to say “5 Ways Pregnancy Changes Your Body for the Worse”? It’s a shocking idea to suggest that pregnancy changes your body in a positive way. You may be searching about how pregnancy changes your body because…
Memos of a Stay-at-Home Mom
I love being a stay-at-home mom. I really do. But there are times when I long for the days when I worked in a law firm. Working as a legal assistant respected by my boss and coworkers, I felt productive and valued and I did not worry about my brain atrophying. For many reasons, it…
Why Sleep Training is Not Right for Every Child
Sleep training, like many areas of parenting, is a hotly debated topic among both experts and parents. There are mamas who are adamant that sleep training their babies was literally a life and sleep saver. And then there are mamas who believe sleep training is a form of child abuse. Let me start off by…
How to Take a Pregnancy Test Without All the Stress
If you’re reading this post, you are probably either trying to conceive or suspecting you might be pregnant. The title of this post probably sparks within you some hope of relief while also causing you to question whether it is truly possible to take a pregnancy test without stressing out. You are probably trying to…
PMS Symptoms While Breastfeeding: The Phantom Period
Who would ever think a woman would miss having her monthly visit from Aunt Flo? But when you are experiencing PMS symptoms while breastfeeding without the justification of a period, those hormones can be extra frustrating! I know there are mamas like me out there who are trying to figure out what the heck is…
How to Carve a Pumpkin with Your Toddler – in 4 Fun Steps!
Do you smell that? Take a deep breath … It’s the smell of fall. Beautiful, isn’t it? Do you know what that means, Mama? It means it’s time to carve a pumpkin with your toddler! My husband can attest to the fact that my joy hikes up several notches around this time of year (to…
How to Process Miscarriage Grief and Preserve Baby’s Memory – From Mamas Who’ve Been There
October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. But for those trying to process miscarriage grief, that awareness is present every single day. I have asked mamas of miscarried babies to share what has helped them grieve and remember their children. This is not an easy question to answer and there are no right or…
5 Breastfeeding Myths That Will Shock You
If you are currently breastfeeding or preparing to breastfeed once your baby arrives, you are probably doing a lot of research on the subject. You may have already stumbled across some breastfeeding myths on the world wide web, whether you realize it or not. Breastfeeding is, without question, one of the most intriguing and awe-inspiring…