Pregnancy Loss Support Part I: A New Resource for Grieving Moms

If you have experience with pregnancy loss, you know how important it is to have support as you process your loss. You probably also know that there is still a shortage of pregnancy loss support available to grieving moms, although this is improving gradually.

Missing Pieces Support Group is a pregnancy loss resource I have recently been introduced to. Missing Pieces was created to meet the need for pregnancy loss support for moms dealing with this painful and tragic reality. I have had the pleasure of virtually interviewing the women who started this organization, and I am sharing that interview with you today.

Pregnancy Loss Support Part I:

A New Resource for Grieving Moms
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Pregnancy Loss Support

A New Free Resource for Grieving Women

This is the first in a four-part series dealing with pregnancy loss support. Today, we will get to know Missing Pieces Support Group as an organization. In the next three posts, we will get to know the women behind the organization as they share their own pregnancy loss stories with us.

As we begin, I would like to introduce Emily, Jamilah and Jescekia, the founders of Missing Pieces. Today, they will be giving us an overview of what Missing Pieces is, how to access resources for pregnancy loss support and how we can all support their cause.

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My Interview with Missing Pieces About Their Pregnancy Loss Support

Mama Rissa: Can you summarize how you all started on this pregnancy loss journey?

Jamilah: Our journey began in a pregnancy loss support group, a place none of us expected to find solace but ultimately became a sanctuary. Over a span of seven weeks, we gathered with seven other women, each of us having faced the heartache of pregnancy loss at various stages. Despite the differences in our experiences, the common thread of loss united us, creating a bond stronger than we could have imagined.

Initially, I approached the group with skepticism, feeling desperate and at my wit’s end in dealing with depression. However, as the group facilitator guided us through discussions, highlighting the similarities in our experiences, it became clear that I belonged. This was my community, and these women were my people.

What started as a structured support group evolved into something much more profound. Our friendships extended beyond those initial meetings, blossoming into a supportive network where we continued to meet monthly. We have watched each other navigate subsequent pregnancies and have celebrated the births and growth of healthy, happy children. We’ve coined this journey our “Life After Loss,” and our bond has become a beacon of hope and resilience.

Mama Rissa: Tell us about Missing Pieces Support Group, how it was started and with what purpose in mind.

Jamilah: Recognizing the significant gap in support for those experiencing pregnancy loss, we decided to take action. We founded a nonprofit organization dedicated to filling this void and providing comprehensive support for women and families navigating their healing journeys. Our online resource list offers various tools and services, empowering individuals to choose their path to healing.

Pregnancy loss, though common, remains a topic shrouded in silence. Our mission is to break this silence and normalize the conversation. Through our YouTube channel, we aim to make women feel seen and understood, while also educating the wider community on how to empathize with those who have endured such loss. Our care packages are thoughtfully curated to acknowledge the pain of loss, offering tangible comfort items and directing recipients to valuable resources.

Woman looking out the window

One of our most cherished offerings is our support group, a safe haven born from our own experiences. It’s a space where women can find the same solace and understanding that we did. Our board members, having walked this path, are deeply committed to giving back and ensuring that no woman has to navigate the aftermath of pregnancy loss alone.

Our journey from loss to hope is a testament to the power of community and the resilience of the human spirit. Together, we are transforming our grief into a force for good, offering support, education, and compassion to all who need it.

Mama Rissa: What do you hear most from women as being the hardest part about going through pregnancy loss or ongoing grief?

Jamilah: The hardest part of pregnancy loss is feeling isolated, alone, and broken. When you’re unable to have a baby, it seems like you’re surrounded by women and families who can. This creates an inner turmoil, filled with questions like, “Why not me?” “What’s wrong with me?” and “Am I broken?” These feelings intensify, especially when close friends and family become pregnant and successfully give birth.

After my second miscarriage, I found myself struggling with routine activities. Scrolling through social media feeds, attending birthday parties, and seeing pregnancy announcements everywhere felt like a constant reminder of my loss. It became so overwhelming that I decided to log off social media for a while. Dealing with recurrent miscarriages meant I hadn’t lost the pregnancy weight, giving people a reason to ask if I was pregnant. It reached a point where I didn’t care if my responses hurt others because their questions hurt me deeply.

Pregnancy loss isn’t a normalized conversation, making it difficult to open up, even to close friends. It’s a sensitive topic, and the fear of someone saying the wrong thing and amplifying the pain and grief adds to the reluctance to share. The silence surrounding pregnancy loss often leaves those affected feeling even more isolated, but it’s crucial to remember that you’re not alone, and there are supportive communities out there ready to help you navigate this challenging journey.

Mama Rissa: What kind of positive impact have you personally seen as a result of the work you amazing ladies are doing at Missing Pieces?

Jescekia: Missing Pieces Support Group Texas has made a huge impact on women in the local community, providing them with much-needed hope, resources, and visibility. By offering a safe space for women to come together and share their experiences, the group has created a strong support system that empowers and uplifts its members. Through impactful group sessions and events, they provide valuable resources to help women navigate through challenging situations.

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Additionally, by raising awareness about pregnancy loss faced by women and their families, the group brings visibility to the importance of advocating for positive change. Overall, Missing Pieces Support Group Texas has been instrumental in helping women overcome obstacles, find strength in solidarity, and create a brighter future for themselves.

Mama Rissa: What are the specific resources you provide and what is the best way for women going through pregnancy loss to get access to your resources?

Emily: We are dedicated to offering compassionate support to individuals navigating grief. We have developed four main initiatives designed to provide comfort, resources, and a sense of community during difficult times. While some of our support services are currently centered in Houston, we recognize the importance of accessible support for everyone, regardless of location. That’s why we provide virtual options when possible, which can be accessed from anywhere. 

1. Care Packages Filled with Tangible Comfort Items

We understand the importance of tangible gestures during times of grief. Our care packages are thoughtfully curated to include items that provide comfort and support. Whether it’s a soothing tea, a journal for reflection, or other thoughtful items, these packages are intended to offer a physical reminder that someone cares. These boxes are distributed through our trusted partners in Houston, including doctor’s offices, hospitals, and birthing centers. Additionally, they can be conveniently delivered upon request through our website.

2. A Platform to Share Testimonies

Sharing stories of grief and loss can be a powerful healing process. Our platform allows individuals from anywhere to share their testimonies in written or video formats. These stories not only honor our losses but also connect individuals who may be experiencing similar emotions, fostering a supportive environment of understanding and empathy as well as educate the broader community about this type of loss.

3. Support Groups Led by Grief Professionals

Navigating grief can be overwhelming, which is why we offer support groups led by experienced grief professionals. These groups provide a safe space for individuals to express their feelings, receive guidance and coping skills, and connect with others who understand their journey. While our in-person support groups are currently based in Houston, we intend to continue to offer virtual sessions accessible from anywhere, ensuring that geographical location is not a barrier to receiving support.

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4. Robust List of Resources

We have compiled a comprehensive list of resources based on valuable input from our community. While our directory of therapists and holistic providers is focused on Houston, our collection of podcasts, books, songs, blogs, and articles offers universal comfort, guidance, and inspiration wherever you are. Our resource list is continuously updated with new suggestions from our community members, ensuring that it remains relevant and diverse.

Mama Rissa: Is there any cost to use the resources Missing Pieces offers?

Emily: Our mission is simple: to provide essential grief services that empower individuals and strengthen our community. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, sponsors, and the dedication of our grant-writing team, we are proud to provide our services at no cost to those that need it most.

This achievement is made possible through a combination of in-kind donations, monetary contributions, and invaluable sponsorships from individuals and businesses alike. Each supporter plays a crucial role in ensuring that financial barriers never stand in the way of accessing the support and resources our community members need.

Mama Rissa: Where does your funding come from?

Emily: We rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters to sustain our mission. Our annual fund is bolstered by dedicated individuals, whom we fondly refer to as Advocates, contributing monthly or annually towards our operational needs. Our Life After Loss Advocate campaign kicks off in March, coinciding with Women’s History Month, yet new Advocates are welcome to join us at any time throughout the year.

In addition to regular contributions, individuals have the option to make one-time donations for specific purposes. For instance, when requesting a care package from our website, you can choose to donate $10 to cover shipping costs. And, although our drives to collect items for these packages are local to Houston, anyone can support our efforts by donating to our Host a Drive fund, helping us procure the missing items needed to complete these boxes.

We are also fortunate to have generous support from individual and business collaborators, who donate items from our Amazon or Walmart wish list, buy or establish recurring subscriptions of “purchasable items” for our care package, or sponsor the content and events we organize, ensuring our offerings are impactful and meaningful.

Lastly, we deeply appreciate the financial contributions of our distribution partners, whose donations directly fund the physical boxes of our care packages.

To learn more about how you can support our cause, please visit our website and explore the various ways to “Become a Supporter.” Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we aim to serve.

Pregnancy Loss Support

A Free New Resource for Grieving Moms

Mama Rissa: I think people who have experienced pregnancy loss themselves often want to give back and help other women going through this incredibly challenging time, as you ladies have done. While some people can afford to make a donation or become a sponsor, others have limited ability to offer financial support. What are the various ways people can get involved or give to your cause on an individual level?

Emily: In our mission to support those affected by pregnancy loss, we recognize that while monetary donations are vital, volunteerism and community engagement are equally indispensable. Here in Houston, we welcome individuals who share our passion to join us in various capacities. Whether you’re interested in volunteering at events like our annual 5K in October, sewing pillows or crafting ornaments for our care packages, participating in year-round events, or hosting a drive to collect comfort items and assemble care packages, your involvement makes a tangible difference.

Our dedicated Brand Ambassadors focus on outreach, actively seeking partnerships and sponsors, attending networking events, and spreading awareness about pregnancy loss while learning new coping strategies to support our community members. Their weekly efforts are instrumental in expanding our reach and impact within the Houston area and beyond.

From anywhere in the world, we encourage member engagement through written or video testimonials and sharing resources that have aided in navigating grief. Your story, regardless of when you experienced loss, can provide solace and valuable insights to others facing similar challenges. Your personal resource recommendations prioritize providing impactful, direct support by eliminating unnecessary searches.

Our Mission Stewards are a committed group of volunteers spanning different time zones, contributing their skills to tasks such as grant applications, event coordination, monthly newsletter communications, social media management, and general administrative support. Their dedication ensures the smooth operation and growth of our initiatives.

For more details on how you can support us beyond monetary donations, visit the “Contribute to Initiatives” or “Join the Team” sections of our website. We are always eager to collaborate with individuals who are passionate about our cause and open to exploring new ways to make a meaningful impact together. Together, we can create a supportive community where healing and hope thrive.

Mama Rissa: What is your vision for the future of Missing Pieces?

Jescekia: The vision for Missing Pieces is to serve as a comprehensive support system for families who have experienced loss, providing them with resources, guidance, and empathy during their difficult journey. As advocates for the loss community, Missing Pieces aims to raise awareness about the unique challenges and struggles faced by those within the loss community. Through educational outreach and partnership collaborations with other organizations, Missing Pieces seeks to expand its reach and impact on a global scale.

By fostering a sense of community and understanding within the pregnancy loss community, Missing Pieces strives to create a safe space where individuals can find comfort, healing, and solidarity in their grief. Through dedication, compassion, and innovation, Missing Pieces is committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of those affected by loss.

Pregnancy Loss Support

Mama Rissa: As we wrap up, what thoughts do you want to leave us with about Missing Pieces Support Group?

Jescekia: Missing Pieces Support Group prides itself on not only its passion for serving the pregnancy loss community, but also its dedication to serving individuals from all walks of life. The organization understands that grief and loss can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. By offering a safe and inclusive space for individuals to share their experiences, emotions, and struggles, Missing Pieces Support Group demonstrates its commitment to providing support to all those in need.

With a team of experienced and compassionate facilitators leading group sessions, participants are able to navigate their grief journey with guidance and understanding. Through this holistic approach to support services, Missing Pieces Support Group ensures that everyone who reaches out for help receives the care and attention they deserve.

Thanks to Missing Pieces

I don’t know about you, Mama, but I am excited about the work Missing Pieces is doing, especially after learning more about what all they have to offer. I hope their story and vision has encouraged and inspired you to take action – whether to seek help or to give in some way.

I would like to thank Missing Pieces and all of its volunteers and supporters for the work that they are doing to provide women with much needed pregnancy loss support. I would especially like to thank Emily, Jamilah and Jescekia for taking the initiative to start this organization and for taking the time to share their hearts and their mission with us today.

If you are suffering in silence, please check out the various forms of pregnancy loss support available at Also, please be sure to subscribe to my emails below so that you don’t miss the rest of this series where we will be hearing the pregnancy loss stories of the women interviewed today.

Update: Read Part II of this series telling Jamilah’s pregnancy loss story here.

Additionally, having experienced four miscarriages myself, I have written multiple posts on pregnancy loss and the grief that does not end with the pregnancies. Please check out those posts below.

And lastly, if this post resonated with you at all, please share it via the social share buttons below to help us get the word out both to the grieving women who need the services at Missing Pieces and to the general public who can help support its mission.

Additional Resources

Posts by Mama Rissa:

Resources by Mama Rissa (enter your email address below to gain free access):

  • Baby Remembrance Journal: I Will Never Get to Hold You, But I Will Always Love You
  • Pregnancy After Loss Affirmations From the Bible

Other Resources:

8 responses to “Pregnancy Loss Support Part I: A New Resource for Grieving Moms”

  1. […] 1) My Beginning of Motherhood: Miscarriage2) Trying to Conceive After Miscarriage3) Miscarriage Grief: Two Years Later4) How to Process Miscarriage Grief and Preserve Baby’s Memory – From Mamas Who’ve Been There5) My Complete Molar Pregnancy Story6) My Chemical Pregnancy Stories7) God Cares About Your Miscarriage8) To the Mama Going Through Pregnancy After Recurrent Miscarriage9) Pregnancy Loss Support Part I: A New Resource for Grieving Moms […]

  2. […] check out my interview with Missing Pieces Support Group, a wonderful resource for women going through pregnancy […]

  3. […] Pregnancy Loss Support Part I: A New Resource for Grieving Moms […]

  4. […] this series if you have not yet done so to read my interview with the founders of Missing Pieces: Pregnancy Loss Support Part I: A New Resource for Grieving Moms. Additionally, you can read part II in this series from last week about co-founder Jamilah’s […]

  5. […] you have not yet read the first part in this series, I encourage you to go back and read it here: Pregnancy Loss Support Part I: A New Resource for Grieving Moms. In that post, you will learn more about Missing Pieces, what they have to offer and ways that you […]

  6. Jescekia Sam Avatar
    Jescekia Sam

    Thank you for this blog!

    1. Marissa Khosh Avatar


      You are welcome! Thank you for your work at Missing Pieces and for being a part of this interview ♥️

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